Sunday, 16 December 2012

Four Words

A short time after I had the dream where I received the Holy Spirit I just kept hearing Four Words with an unfathomable weightiness and urgency on my heart...

My Calling in a Nutshell.

However, of course, socially incarcerated-habituated to be rational, pragmatic and practical, which was the only way I knew to be, I IGNORED it.

 In any case receiving faith out of nowhere had just left me in a spin, thrown into the deep end...completely disorientated and UTTERLY confused as before I was seeing through human eyes and interpreting everything in the context of the world...but suddenly, I found myself no longer BLIND...

So I ignored it.

But the thing is...Calling is not something you can just walk away from. If God has called you, he will keep hounding you. And eventually you will realise THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, it's's just whether you do it now or later or whether you take the speedway or the scenic route via a couple of unintended detours. If God has a calling on your WILL end up there.

SO ANYWAY... Today and even massively the last few weeks and even the last few months I have had "messages" and guiding and confirmations...sooooo many...and MASSIVE CONFIRMATION today...from various sources...people who do not know me or anything about me. If I had to describe it so the layperson can understand...all the things that led to today...the probability of them happening all saying the same things and leading the same way from so many random sources...would be like near to impossible infinity!!

All the strange things that have occurred particularly in this short time where I have not been distracted by worldly responsibilities and too busy to fully have my receptive antennae at full working capacity, culminated in what happened Hollywood blockbuster writer could have written this many mere random coincidences into a movie script...let alone even have conceived of them.

The events and happenings from this short time alone...would be worthy of a very fascinating novella. I was sharing just a smidge of it with people at my church Christmas party today...and they were just like WOW WOW WOW!!!! AMAAAAAZING!!!

Those are words you hear A LOT when God is moving with you and/or you are moving in the way God wants for you...He IS the Great Enabler...and engineers the most perfect circumstances far beyond what you can ever imagine or conceive yourself!

So anyway I have been feeling a little like I am the protagonist of some unwritten novel or movie has felt very, very...surreal.

To share just a tiny tidbit of one of the things that happened old lady with the gift of the word just spoke out randomly i.e in no relation to any singing or sermon in the church.

"God has had a hand on someone here about their calling for the past year...but they have not obeyed. This is your last chance."

I knew she was speaking to ME.And I felt the fear of the Lord right there and then...something which I didn't quite understand when someone mentioned it and so I had asked to have...

Praise the Lord! I had been at a huge crossroads waiting for him to show me the way, the next steps...Being so free having just finished my degree with no obligations to work thanks to the Lord's gracious PROVISION...I literally could be anywhere doing almost ANYTHING, just so many I really needed His wisdom and direction...because I have learnt...THE VERY HARD WAY, when I work to my own will and in my own "wisdom" and limited insight and independence and self-sufficiency or even worse, to that of the elders in my family or other dominant figures in my life it's always been A Major Disaster...

So I refuse to let that happen anymore because I KNOW now...GOD KNOWS BEST! (No matter how mysterious and unfathomable his ways may be to our human mindsets!)

God Bless you Brothers, Sisters and Unbelievers...

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