Before God called me, I was treating sick people. Some really quite sick people. Like the kinds of people that possess a multitude of all kinds of mysterious ailments to which conventional medicine has no answers nor explanations, let alone reprieve for....
Many of these cases had ended up with me as their "last stop hope" having spent thousands of dollars seeking help from all manner of health professionals and specialists under the sun. Many of them had lives significantly impacted by illness such that their lives were so filled with limitations that they resembled some kind of PRISON of pain and suffering.
In the time spent doing this, and with a significant timeline and history of such illness myself, I have observed, reflected and learnt So Much about sickness and healing...
For one, it became very apparent to me that many of these conditions had a definitive spiritual-psychological root and could be traced to past wounds such as from traumatic and abusive childhoods, lack of love and unideal parenting, as well as Sins such as bitterness, resentment and lack of forgiveness.
In the most complex of cases, as the weeks and months went by it became apparent I could only do so much to alleviate their symptoms because ULTIMATELY, it is GOD who is the TRUE HEALER and that is where Cure might be found if it be part of God's plan, because GOD is also DELIVERER!
And these two truths are found throughout the bible:
'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds', declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 30:1)
By his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)
From the LORD comes deliverance. (Psalm 3:8)
Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today." (Exodus 14:13)
So if we believe the bible is the Word of God, it follows that we can STAND on these promises!
And in my own life experience and from what I have observed with others, God is So Faithful to those with Faith...
And just as PRAYER is how God hears us, FAITH (not to mention OBEDIENCE) is the catalyst that unleashes His POWER:
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Matthew 21:22)
So what better Rock is there to stand on than The One who is the same yesterday and today and forever.(Hebrews 13:8)?
To be completely honest, the point I came to in my later clinical practice was just about going through the expected procedural motions, but really thinking inside: "Actually, prayer is what this person NEEDS and would probably be more effective," especially if the goal is complete healing...So I guess given all this history, it's No coincidence that I was led to join my very first church :) which incidentally has an amazing healing ministry, and I guess because the leadership and body is so obedient and faithful, the presence and power of God consistently resides and moves! (Something I've not witnessed in the many churches I have visited...)
In conclusion, things that block and prevent healing are SINS such as resentment, bitterness and lack of forgiveness. And we must accept the fact that all humans are flawed and sinful in nature, HOWEVER by not forgiving whoever has wronged or hurt us in the past, even if that is ourselves, we are actually holding on to hurt and wounding, which given Time will transmute into manifest bodily sickness.
So the antidote we must put in practice MUST be those things of God...FORGIVENESS AND LOVE, which I'm glad to say seem to be universally recognised spiritual principles...
"Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."(John 8:32)
Healing to all and Blessings in Christ,
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